Xavier Lagarde

Xavier Lagarde has been a law professor since 1997 and is currently a Professor at the Sorbonne School of Law (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Xavier, who has been associated with DLBA since 1993, was called to the Paris bar in 2006, and is now the head of the firm’s scientific department.
He is also reputed for his strategic analysis, and his excellent drafting and legal skills in the Commercial Litigation field.
His main practice areas are:
- General corporate litigation: contracts, financing, procedures, consumer law,
- Major litigation cases
- Official consultations and legal opinions
- Mediation and arbitration
He is a Social Protection Mediator (CTIP), approved by the CCMC (Commission for Assessing and Auditing consumer mediation).
His university career:
- 2017 – Director of the Masters’ degree in Commercial Litigation, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Director of the “Sorbonne-Justice and trials” Research Department
- 2003-2017 – Professor at the University of Paris Nanterre, Director of the Henri Motulsky Judicial Studies Institute, Director of the Master’s Degree in Fundamental Private Law
- 1998-2003 – Member of the University Institute of France
- 1997-2003 – Professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise
- 1993-1997 – Lecturer at the University of Cergy-Pontoise
- 1989-1992 – Research and Teaching associate at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Xavier has written numerous books and publications:
Collaborative works:
- “Procedural law” with Serge Guinchard and others 9th edition – 2017 DALLOZ
- “Civil Procedure” with G. Couchez, 17th edition-2014, SIREY (a new edition is in preparation).
- “Working differently”, November 2003, Institut PRESAJE
As a coordinator:
- Scientific coordination of the vulnerable persons’ section in the Supreme Court’s 2009 Annual Report, coordination of works and writing the Introductory Report.
And also (link to list of works and publications)
Qualifications and distinctions:
- 1997 : Qualified to teach law at University, private law and criminal science sections (first in his year)
- 1992 : Doctor of Law, Distinction and congratulations from the Board of Examiners
- Thesis “Critical considerations of the law of evidence” supervised by Professor Jacques GHESTIN, awarded by the Chancellery (Jean-Bertrand Nogaro prize) and published in April 1994 (LGDJ).
- Accredited for direct research
- 1989 Postgraduate degree in private law under the direction of Professor J. GHESTIN